Sunday, November 9, 2008

Catching Up

After bath time, the kiddos have a routine. It goes like this - Get the towel barely wrapped around the shoulders, tiptoe over the slippery bathroom floor, and then drop the towel, scream, and run buck-naked throughout the house as Momma chases. The chase always ends in the living room and is quickly followed by a squirming, laughing diaper-dodge. I've learned the hard way that Addison thinks it's really funny to go potty on the floor after bath time...

Some of our favorite neighbors --

A new love - Leggos

Being weird at the mall play area on a rainy day

I'm trying the "meals for a month" cooking... So this is what my freezer looks like. A group of ladies gets together, plans meals, then cooks the meals. It ends up being about $4 for each 6-serving meal and makes the rest of the month a breeze.