Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dear Sweaty Guy at the Gym,

I think it's safe to say that most of us don't find it sexy when you wear the little singlet to lift weights and then leave puddles of sweat on all the equipment. We're all impressed by the massive size of your muscles, the incredibly small size of your head and neck, and the way you walk like a rooster between reps...
But PLEASE.... most of us came to the gym to do our own little pathetic workouts. Half the people in there are just like me - women who just put their kids to bed and hustled their big birthing hips out the door to continue the desperate battle of "getting into my skinny jeans once again" while our husbands hold down the forts and make sure to leave some dishes for us to do upon our return. We didn't come to hear your grunts and triumphant cries, to marinate in your sweat puddles, or to gaze upon your interesting proportions.

I think you can give it a rest....
and PLEASE, please, please.... could you wipe the machines down when you're done?


Hccm said...

And I second that!