Saturday, April 11, 2009

Egg Hunt

Last year we went to an egg hunt at a local farm, waited in line for an hour, and found exactly ZERO eggs. We thought to ourselves, "Why not host an egg hunt at our house next year?" So we did. :) More pictures from better photographers to follow..... these are the best I could do as I hustled about.


Tabitha Blue said...

Wow, looks like a huge shindig! What a great time. We had one at our house for our family.. but only 2 small kids in the family right now, haha. It will get bigger as time goes on!


Pseudo said...

Wherever it is you live - it is glorious. I am thinking California because of th etulip fields, but this forest has to be Northern CA, cause I am from south CA, and we didn't have forests like this.