Thursday, June 18, 2009

A note from a parent...

Yeah. Right. This was a note "from my mom" that a student gave me when his mom didn't show up to a conference we had scheduled. Turned out that the kid had forged every note all year and his mom had NO CLUE the conference had been scheduled. He actually thought I would believe this:



Whispering Writer said...

Lol, really? That's classic. I love how kids think adults are so clueless!

~ Becky

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

HAHA, that is hilarious!

Annie said...


Rebecca said...

Wow - how old was this kid?

Love that he even passed the buck to dad, that's some good thinking....

Momma Chae said...

7th grade. :)

Bethany said...

Haha, ohh my gosh. Totally priceless!