Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How I spent my Summer Vacation:

After a cortisone shot in my foot to relieve the swelling from the mysterious, floating chunk of bone that appeared out of nowhere, I was finally able to walk! I still need to go to a foot surgeon this week to see about this chunk of bone and persistent pain, but in the mean time, I was very pleased to simply be able to put some weight on my foot again. (I don't make a very patient or perky invalid. Try vacuuming and shampooing your carpets while crawling on your knees and you'll see why I feel that way.) :)

Anyways, we figured that I could ride my quad without using my foot too much.... After a very sedate last two weeks, I was looking forward to a little fun! Here is how our day went:

1.) So far, so good.

2.) Then, something like this occurred:

3.) So, we took a little trip to:
4.) Had some pictures taken:

5.) And added a broken wrist and whiplash to my Summer Accessories:

6.) So, I gave my quad to my cat. He has nine lives, so it's really a matter of practicality at this point.


Katie Lane said...

Oh no! Hope it doesn't hurt to bad.

Elle Bee said...

OH NO!! You have GOT to be kidding me! You're having a bit of an unfortunate summer :o) I hope you're not in too much pain (yay for pain meds) and that you can delegate household tasks to someone else...no more carpet shampooing for you!

foxy said...

That is just ridiculous. Totally sounds like something I would do. UGH!

Annie said...

OMG....you are kidding! It just keeps getting worse! Poor thing :(

Kelly said...

HOLY COW!! You have GOT to be kidding me?! Let's hope that dark cloud is gone soon!
BTW-Goonies was on T.V last night, but they butchered the H.E. double hockey sticks out of it.

Dandy said...

Oh wow. Your bones are rebelling against you!

Cecelia---Sis---Mom said...

Wow, I am sure this will be the summer you will never forget. I hope you are fully mended soon and can enjoy the last few weeks of summer.


Penney said...

Wow, you're having QUITE a summer! I'm so glad my little ATV incident didn't turn out that bad! Good luck!! =)

Bethany said...

Oh my gosh! You're having such a hard summer-- one for the books! I hope it heals VERY quickly!!

Tabitha Blue said...

Oh my goodness, you poor thing! I hope you heal up soon, that it just too much for any one person to have to handle. And keep us posted on the foot thing!!
