Friday, August 22, 2008

The last week of our summer....

The kiddos had to try on their new hats from Nonny. :)

Addison playing by herself, sitting in a basket. (Yes, I'm trying to get her to give up the binky... hard to do before or after naps. )
Tired Ranger
Nighttime Cuddle Time... sometimes we have to share this time with some furry siblings, but Addison doesn't mind at all.
A local animal rescue group that I support asked me to get some photos of a local game farm that they are investigating for inhumane living conditions, etc. So, we loaded up the kids and took off for a place that I would never pay for otherwise. It was cool to see these animals, but some of the living conditions are deplorable - particularly those for the tigers, wolves, and lions. Hopefully the investigation will lead to a better life for all the critters.

Addison, my little St. Francis - Lover of ALL animals - FREAKED OUT when the animals started coming up to our windows to beg for food. We had yaks, buffalo, and elk. She started to tremble and scream in terror until we held her and comforted her. Apparently she understands that animals are cute and all, but having big teeth gnawing on the side of your car, inches from your face, is not a good thing. :)