Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Peachy Beige

So our house was looking a little "blah" and we needed to do some painting to freshen things up anyways....

So I went and got some plain old white paint to spruce up our trim and doors and then some fun colors for the kitchen and laundry room. I figured if I had enough paint left over, I would do Addison's room and maybe the master bathroom.

The colors I chose were called "Peach Beige" and "Evening Glow." The samples looked just how you would imagine - pretty, but subtle colors.

Turns out that Peach Beige should have been called something like "Prom Dress Pink" or "Junior High Lipstick." And the Evening Glow should definitely have been named something like "Carebear Yellow" or "School Bus Yellow." :) Either way, I actually LOVE both colors. They just aren't what I was expecting...

So I'm halfway done with the laundry room when hubby walks in the room and goes, "Oh My Gosh..... It looks like a freakin Victorian Tea House in here.... or a Feista.... that barfed all over the room..."
Now that it's done, however, he does admit that it is actually cute and, well... perky.

I added a nice little piece of art we got in Mexico on our honeymoon. ( He did say Fiesta, right?)

The tape hasn't been removed in the kitchen yet, but I'm sure you get the picture.