Saturday, May 30, 2009

85 degrees and counting....

Someone had an accident in his clothes and daycare didn't have any spare "boy" pants that fit him....
look at that sad, embarassed little face ...


Becky said...

Oh man. The slip and slide.

You are a good mom! My kids are on cloud nine if I let them get that out! They look like they are having a blast;)

Kristen said...

I swear I didn't laugh when I saw that barbie pic. Poor kid...this will be perfect for his highschool yearbook! Traumatized!

Farmgirl Paints said...

Too fun. Wish it was hot enough to do that here. Just have to wait a little longer!!

Cynthia said...

Love the slip and slide pictures. Your poor little guy - what a sad face. Nothing like Moms leg for support.