Now that I have "followers," I'll have to try really hard to not let it get to my head! I mean, I'm still all "Washington Girl", "Momma Chae from the Block", etc, but now I have a POSSE. And you know what that means. That means if I need to go kick some major butt, or have an all out dance off, all I have to do is snap my fingers and you guys will come swaggering after me, ala "Westside Story," or "Thriller." At least, that's what I think it means to have followers.....
Speaking of butt kicking, I’m going to have to channel my best Erin Brockovich moves to work some magic at the local car dealership. Since my car started making some interesting noises a couple of weeks ago, I’ve found out that my transmission is going to “blow up” according to the guy at the auto shop. I think this may be a slight exaggeration of what actually might transpire, but if not, I think I’d feel awfully silly having my car disintegrate into millions of pieces on my commute home after I’d been warned and all.
The dealership doesn’t want to honor the 10 year, 100,000 mile warranty. Why? Because I don’t have every receipt of every faithful oil change I’ve ever gotten, regardless of the fact that most of them were done by my dad and then my husband and the fact that the current problem has nothing to do with oil changes…. But now that I’ve done some online sleuthing, I can see that warranty dodging seems to be the norm for this company. I’ve read that other folks were told their “warranty” didn’t apply because they lived in Georgia where the weather is “humid,” in other states because there is a “cold climate” exemption, etc, etc, etc. The list goes on. How absurd (and almost funny) is that??
So, my car is currently sitting at the dealership in limbo as my husband and I trade some nice and friendly rhetoric about honor, integrity, and customer service with the kind folks at the service bay. And then these poor dudes get on the phone to some anonymous supervisor / warranty denier who tells them to ignore the poor shlubs in front of them and stick to company policy come hell or high water:
“Stick it to the Working Joe and Rip Him Off whenever possible!”
Meanwhile, we are sharing a vehicle. Two adults, 2 jobs with different hours, 2 kids in car seats – one a “step” son that needs to be picked up in a neighboring city every Thursday….. you get the idea. I need my wheels and I need them now. Of course, if I was super rich, I would just go get some cool new hybrid. Does anyone in my new posse know how to get super rich in a day or two?
Um... No, but when you find out will you let me know. Getting rich would be kind of fun.
I hate dealerships. In every way.
I hope you get your car serviced and those smarm-buckets honor your warranty! Ugh, I hate that!
So, are we planning a 'dance off' with the service guy then? Maybe they'd be more inclined to honor the warranty if they saw the posse's mad skillz... ??
Stupid car people seriously irritate me.
Dealing with car dealerships = precisely why I will be driving my car until it falls apart around me.
Hope you have new wheels soon!
Please let me know if you figure out the get rich in a day or two thing. I could use that bit of info:)
What the beep?!? How dare the warranty deniers!!
I guess you can look at the bright side…at least the car didn’t “blow up” while you and the little ones were in it!!
As you wish...Master {or is it Mistress?}
I wish I knew how to get rich quick...
I hate how car dealers think they can scam people. Especially how they think they can scam women. Now I am so mad, I have forgotten what else I wanted to say in my comment, lol.
~ Becky
I would be pissed! What kind of car is it?
A Kia Sportage. :)
I think the car dealers try and pull this crap makes me so angry! I think they think its even easier to get away with it if you are a woman. I hope that you can get them to come through for you...I'd stick to my guns!
And if you figure out how to get rich sure and share the knowledge...
What a rip off!
That is awful. I'm not surprised. But still - awful!
That's horrible! I sincerely feel that most dealerships invent problems with cars. My parents didn't use their car for three months, took it in for an oil change and were told it needed $700 worth of repairs. HUH?!
I hope you can get them to honor the warranty. Good luck!!! :)
lol, woo hoo! I've never been in a posse before! Does that mean I need to learn the words to "When you're a Jet"?
Sucks about your car. Do you have any lawyer friends you could call and see if they'll make some "friendly inquiries" on your behalf?
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