Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Marathon weekend

Aidan ran the 1.2 mile kids' marathon

After a weepy finish, caused by running into another little girl, he was very proud of himself and promptly wandered over to the play equipment.

Janelle and I woke up bright and early for our 7AM marathon start that happened to be at a park right across from our hotel. ( I didn't know that when reserving the room!)

the course was beautiful and quiet.

I was not.
We had some very tired supporters.

I survived.
Janelle barely did.
On the way home, she kept saying how her eye was bothering her. She assumed she had some sand in it. When I took a look back at her, I noticed that Janelle looked like she had been beaten up. she had puffy red and purple eyes with gunk and all. She called her doctor and was told to go to the ER right away, since urgent care was closed.
She had pink eye.
So we limped to the ER, making people wonder what the heck had happened to us.
While there, I took some nice photos of my feet (and blisters) for you.
along with my black and blue toenails.
Pretty, huh?
And then we watched "Jon and Kate Plus 8" in the hospital room while we waited.

We are so cool.


foxy said...

Oh my gosh - CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm just sayin, I walked that exact same way after only a HALF. I can't imagine what I'd look like after running a full marathon. And pink eye?? What an odd thing to happen?!