Janelle and I set out to do our 20 miles this past Saturday. I was a bit apprehensive, but knew that with company and with the scenic route, we would be ok.
Much like last time, though, the weather was starting to look a little ominous when we were about 6 miles in....
Mom, our trusty groupie, made us peanut butter balls for the journey... but when we took them out for a quick calorie boost, we were amazed at the transformation. Our peanut butter balls were now a peanut butter blob. Still tasted good, though, so we trekked on.
When we realized that it was hopeless; we were going to be overtaken by a twister a least, and the nothing at worst, Janelle took off through the fields to avoid sure death.
And then the winds started howling.
So I held on for dear life and was almost blown away.
After the mini-storm passed us by, we had a couple of miles of blue sky. Notice that I said a couple of miles. A few more glances over our shoulders showed us that ANOTHER storm was on the way. This one was even more intense than the last.
So I asked God, "WHY?! WHY? Oh, for the love.... WHY?!"
The hail actually HURT. We had 2 kind folks stop and try to rescue us, but we nonchalantly shrugged off their help and dug in to our inner amazon strength to forge on.
(this is Janelle channeling her inner amazon...)
Here, you can actually see the streaks of hail coming down:
Mom and dad appeared with our kiddos, a platter of warm chocolate chip cookies, and ice water. Then they drove ahead to leave water at a couple of locations several miles further. How cool is that?!
OH MY GOSH! That's some dedication right there... running your 20 miles in a HAIL STORM. Geeeez. Yeah, I'm sure it did hurt - getting pelted by hail can't feel good! I mean, it is coming all the way from HEAVEN. :)
On a side note, those pictures of the rolling hills are amazing. You can see for miles and miles and miles and miles... Oh and, yeah, I am craving peanut butter now.
You go girls!!
1) It's so beautiful there I could almost cry. I would totally go on that trek with you guys!
2) Wait, did I say I would totally go on that trek with you guys? What I MEANT to say was maybe in a car. Or at least on a 4-wheeler or something, haha. That is a LONG trek! :-)
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